The Agricultural Industries Confederation website with fertiliser statistics, fertiliser related publications, the Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme and other issues. | |
The BASIS website holds details of FACTS training courses and allows online application for cpd points for events | |
Government advice on regulations for England.
Select Your Business Sector, then Farming. Nitrate Vulnerable Zones
(NVZ) information is under the title Management environmental resources. | |
Site of the Phosphate Industry Research Association with information on phosphorus recycling. Offers free subscription to the SCOPE newsletter distributed by email with information on legislation and research projects related to phosphate. | |
The DEFRA website holds information, documents and guidance on NVZs, Cross Compliance and fertiliser regulations. | |
To reach NVZ guidance, select: Business & Industry, then Agriculture, then Nitrate Vulnerable Zones, then Guidance and Support. | |
Information on causes and effects of climate change, fact sheets and case studies. | |
The International Fertiliser Society website with searchable lists of conference proceedings and links to many other fertiliser-related sites. | |
The Fertilizers (sic) Europe (previously EFMA) website has various publications that can be downloaded on the effective use, storage and handling of fertilisers. | |
The HGCA website provides access to many research reports and other publications. Select Crop research, then scroll down to Research Programme. | |
The best place to start when looking for information on current or forthcoming regulations. For guidance on the UK, and national regulations affecting fertiliser and manure use, select Agriculture then All Agriculture Guidance, then choose from the list. | |
Site of the Northern Ireland Environment Agency with information on the implementation of NVZs, Water Framework, etc. | |
The Tried & Tested nutrient management plan can be downloaded here and there is supporting information such as details of laboratories offering soil analysis. | |
The Potash Development Association website with downloadable documents including the PDA advisory leaflet series and copies of newsletters. | |
Information on PLANET, forthcoming seminars and other events and downloadable software updates. | |
The Rothamsted Research site with details of current research, forthcoming events and training opportunities. | |
This website holds NVZ Guidance for Scotland. Select Farming and Rural Issues, then Farming, then Environment and Agriculture, then Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. | |
There is a lot of crop nutrition information on the Scottish Natural Heritage TIBRE (Targeted Inputs for a Better Rural Environment) website. | |
NVZ Guidance for Wales. Select Topics, then Environment - protection and quality (under Environment and Countryside), then Water and Flooding, then Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. | |