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The Agricultural Lime Association (ALA) aims to give you a better understanding of the many uses of agricultural lime in the UK. ALA represents the interests of its member companies on all issues of relevance to the agricultural lime industry. Very few agricultural operations have such a marked influence on soil husbandry, profitability and the environment as the application of naturally quarried agricultural lime to the land.

The ALA is part of the Mineral Products Association,  the trade association for the aggregates, asphalt, cement, concrete, dimension stone, lime, mortar and industrial sand industries. www.mineralproducts.org

Agricultural Lime Association, 1st Floor, 297 Euston Road, London, NW1 3AD
Tel: 0203 978 3400   Email: ala@mineralproducts.org

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The aim of this site is to give you a better technical understanding of the uses of agricultural lime, including lime applications, soil acidification, lime applications, pH value and lime requirements, farming with lime and cropping requirements. There is also detailed information on natural, granulated and hydrated lime, crops and soil fertility, fertilisers, cropping systems, lime aggregates and soil structure.

The Agricultural Lime Association (ALA) represents the interests of its member companies on all issues of relevance to the agricultural lime industry. Very few agricultural operations have such a marked influence on soil husbandry, profitability and the environment in general as the application of natural quarried agricultural lime to the land.

The Agricultural Lime Association is a subsidiary body of the Mineral Products Association whose website includes information on the aggregates, asphalt, cement, concrete, dimension stone, lime, mortar and silica sand industries. Its members provide essential materials and sustainable solutions from production to consumption.

The Mineral Products Association is the trade association for companies involved in supplying crushed rock and sand and gravel from land-based and marine sources (marine aggregates), agricultural lime and industrial lime, asphalt, cement, concrete including ready-mixed concrete, dimension stone, mortar, silica sand, slag, recycled aggregates and construction and quarry plant.

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